Isla Mujeres Vow Renewal | Nicole + Jeff

Nicole and Jeff first visited Isla Mujeres on their honeymoon in 2004 and when they decided to renew their vows, they thought of no place they would rather go than back to this incredible Mexican island in the Caribbean. Of course, the island has changed a bit in the last 18 years, but it has been able to maintain its unique charm and historic heart.

Relationships and marriage are hard and need constant attention and work so when a couple decides to renew their vows, it’s a very special occasion. Nicole and Jeff had their struggles as well, but no matter how hard things got, they were (and still are) always there for each other. They accept each other for who they are and the differences between them have made them a stronger team.

Although they have kids and grandkids, today was about them. About their love. About their relationship.

They choose to share their vows at Punta Sur, the south point of the island and where the sun first kisses Mexico each morning. Their ceremony started on the overlook platform, but because the sun was especially strong that day, we moved over to the east side to a shady spot to finish their ceremony. After their kiss, they tossed petals into the sea as an offering of love and respect.

Before their ceremony we took some photos around the cliffs. After their ceremony, they wanted to head to the beach for some fun photos in the water ending with sunset. It was truly a magical day for Nicole and Jeff and we couldn’t be happier for this fabulous couple!

Location: Punta Sur | Photographic Coverage: 2.5 hrs

Wedding Planner: Isla Mujeres Elopements | Photographer: Susan Pacek Photography | Accommodations: Hotel Secreto | Officiate: Sabina Tamm