Isla Mujeres Elopement | Jamie + Nate


Casa Caracol, also known as the Shell House, is an enchanting home on Isla Mujeres and was one of the deciding factors for choosing Isla Mujeres as the location for their destination elopement in Mexico.

I first met Jamie and Nate at the Shell House for their ‘first look’. Nate’s face was priceless when he first saw his bride. Speaking of priceless….Nate shared with me his view of their first meeting in 2019. What a story and what an incredible love they have built!

After some photos at the Shell House, we jumped in a taxi and headed to Punta Sur. We walked around taking photos for a bit before their ceremony began on the lookout point. Sabina designed a beautiful ceremony for this wonderful couple who not only wrote their own vows, but listened to a blessing that was pre-recorded by Nate’s dad. It was a bit windy, but no one paid attention because the focus was on love!

After the ceremony was finished, we hopped back into the taxi and headed to centro for more photos at the historic and colorful buildings and fishing boats.

Jamie and Nate then headed to Mar Bella for a sunset dinner.

It was a magical Isla Mujeres elopement for an incredible couple!

Inspiration Board: Yucatec | Location: Punta Sur | Photographic Coverage: 3 hrs

Wedding Planner: Isla Mujeres Elopements | Photographer: Susan Pacek Photography | Accommodations: Casa Caracol | Dinner: Mar Bella | Officiate: Sabina Tamm