Isla Mujeres Elopement | Tiffany + Christopher


I first met up with Tiffany and Christopher at their hotel, Na Balam, a boutique hotel on Playa Norte. They wanted to do photos before the ceremony, so we headed to the southern point of the island where the high cliffs overlook spectacular crashing waves. Punta Sur is also the most eastern point of Mexico and where the first rays of the sun touch the country each morning. I so enjoyed taking photos of this incredible couple. It was easy to see how in love they are by the way they interact in photos. It was precious!

After photos at Punta Sur, we headed to their ceremony site, a private beach area on the west side of the island. They decided to walk down the aisle together which I thought was extra special! Following their beach ceremony, they popped a bottle of champagne and cheered to their love. We finished with photos on the beach and at sunset before Tiffany and Christopher headed to Olivia’s for dinner after.

It was a very special day for an incredible couple and we at Isla Mujeres Elopements were thrilled to plan and photograph their elopement on the beautiful Mexican island of Isla Mujeres!

Inspiration Board: Simple Elegance | Location: Semi-Private Beach | Photographic Coverage: 3 hrs

Wedding Planner: Isla Mujeres Elopements | Photographer: Susan Pacek Photography | Accommodations: Na Balam | Dinner: Olivia’s | Officiate: Sabina Tamm